Friday, May 4, 2012

New WP7 app for kids - Animal Tiles for Kids

Did you ever want your kids to learn more about nature and animals? Now they can do that. Today we are happy to release Animal Tiles for Kids - a new WP7 app for kids - which was available only for the iPhone before. For those who are new to our site I would like to tell more about it.
animal tiles for kids - windows phone 7 app for kids

Animal Tiles for Kids

The game starts off by showing your kids an image of an animal scattered into pieces. A child has to put the tiles into correct places. When he or she does it, the animal will congratulate a child with a funny melody.
Playing this game is a great way to develop the logical thinking, learn to recognize patterns and take first little steps learning to solve problems. In addition, kids will have lots of fun and learn the sounds the animals make.
By letting your child to play the app you will ensure that the time spent playing will also teach your kids something new and useful. Therefore you can bravely take a break during the play time or just play and enjoy together with your little one.
Since picture is worth more than a thousand words, here are a few of them:
animal tiles for kids - wp7 app for kids
animal tiles for kids - windows phone 7 app for kids
animal tiles for kids - windows phone 7 app for kids

How to get it

To get the app, simply follow this link - Animal Tiles for Kids on WP7. It will get you directly to the Windows Marketplace. Alternatively, you can get it for your iPhone via this link - Animal Tiles for Kids on iPhone.
We hope that you like our new game. Let us know if you have any thoughts or suggestions in the comments! You can also read more on apps for kids website or on a blog about apps for children.

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