Friday, May 25, 2012

Animal Tiles for Kids iPhone App - Free Just Today

We would like to welcome you with a gift today. We have set our iPhone app Animal Tiles for Kids to be free for just one day. And you can download it from the iTunes right now!
Animal TIles for Kids - iPhone App for Children


It is a great app for little children. Just let them take first steps in solving puzzles, developing logical thinking and having fun with different animals. Just drag pieces of a puzzle into the right places and animals will give you a little performance! Easy and fun for the ages of 3 to 5.
iPhone app for Kids - Animal Tiles
But wait, it will become even better soon! We have drastically improved the animations used in the game. And we are also releasing an iPad version of the app.
Again, it is free today for the App Friday - a special Facebook party organized by Every week you can get great deals on iPhone and iPad apps for kids. And this weak Animal Tiles is one of those deals.


We are also excited with an upcoming iPad app. It will be called Animal Tiles for Kids HD and will be released in the nearest future. It is still in review at Apple at the moment of writing, though we hoped it to be out by today. We will tell you as soon as it is out – just be sure to follow us on Facebook
What’s new in that app? We have changed the animals and animations completely. Also added a small section for parents to read more about the app and improved the game flow. The same features are coming into the iPhone app soon, so stay tuned!


We are a creative studio developing and discussing the best iPhone, WP7 and iPad apps for kids. Visit our website on apps for kids and learn more!

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